Other reports

Data & Digital strategy*

Going forward, we will further identify transformative technologies to serve as pivotal enablers for our growth and innovation ambition. Therefore, we will look into novel technologies beyond our core products and markets while maintaining strategic proximity to our business sectors so as to leverage our existing assets and core competencies. Our Group Science & Technology Office and our newly established Data & AI Organization are leading the implementation of our combined strategy for innovation and “data & digital”. They promote innovation within and between business areas by bringing transformative technology trends into the company and exploiting the potential of high-quality data and state-of-the-art digital capabilities. In addition, we are investing in building smart manufacturing capabilities, across our business sectors thus leveraging synergies across business sectors while also exploring digital business models as a separate growth opportunity.

Furthermore, we are deploying a company-wide harmonized data and analytics operating model and ecosystem. This enables us to derive actionable insights from data, support informed decision-making and scale related activities across the company to solve real business challenges with machine learning and AI.

Data culture is fundamental for our digital transformation. Through targeted measures to improve data literacy activities, we are strengthening the ability of our employees to identify, understand, create, model, analyze, interpret data as well as, communicate and argue with data. We foster generative AI literacy by giving employees the possibility to test AI in a secure environment. With myGPT of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, our employees have access to an AI assistant to use when working with confidential and internal information.

* The contents of this chapter or section are voluntary and therefore not audited. However, our auditor has read the text critically.

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