Other reports

Operating Assets, Liabilities, and Contingent Liabilities

(18) Goodwill

Accounting and measurement policies

In the course of business combinations, goodwill is recognized on the acquisition date. The option to measure non-controlling interests at fair value on the date of their acquisition (full goodwill method) is not utilized.

The purpose of impairment testing in accordance with IAS 36 is to ensure that the carrying amount of assets in the balance sheet is not higher than their recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of the fair value less costs of disposal and the value in use.

Method for impairment testing

Impairment testing for goodwill takes place at the level of the Life Science, Healthcare, and Electronics business sectors. These groups of cash-generating units (CGUs) are the lowest level at which goodwill in the Group is monitored for internal management purposes.

Impairment testing is performed on a scheduled basis in the third quarter of every year and on an ad hoc basis where there are indications of impairment. The existence of indications of impairment is monitored using various factors such as changes in medium-term planning, analyst forecasts, validation multiples, and the Group’s average market capitalization compared to its balance sheet equity.

In the 2023 reporting year, the recoverable amount for all CGUs was primarily determined on the basis of the fair value less costs of disposal (2022: Life Science and Electronics on the basis of the fair value less costs of disposal; Healthcare on the basis of the value in use).

For both fair value less costs of disposal and value in use, the recoverable amount is calculated in accordance with the discounted cash flow method (Level 3 in the IFRS 13 fair value hierarchy).

In calculating the fair value, the expected post-tax cash flows are derived from the medium-term plans prepared by the business sectors. Due to extensive investments in the Life Science and Electronics CGUs, the fourth planning year after the detailed planning period for both of these CGUs is extrapolated for an additional four years in line with business-specific assumptions before being converted to the terminal value by applying a long-term growth rate. In the Healthcare CGU, the transition to the terminal value takes place after four years starting from the following year. Sales planning was based on internal past experience and largely non-observable input factors in the market, such as future market shares, selling prices and volumes, and new products from the development pipeline and expansion investments. Profit margins are based on past experience adjusted for expected profitability developments.

In calculating the value in use in the previous year, the most recent medium-term plan approved by the Executive Board, with a detailed planning period of four years starting from the following year, served as the basis for planning. Sales planning was based on past experience and assumptions regarding future market shares, selling prices, and volumes. Expected cash inflows and outflows from new products from the Healthcare development pipeline and expansion investments were not included in the calculation of value in use. Profit margins were based on past experience adjusted for expected profitability developments.

The discount factor after taxes is derived on the basis of the following input parameters:

Risk-free interest rate


Derived from the returns of long-term government bonds based on the Svensson method

Beta factor


Derived from the respective sector-specific peer group

Market risk premium


Based on a combination of different estimating methods, for example, historical and implied stock yields

Cost of debt and capital structure


Derived from the market data of the respective peer group companies

The long-term growth rate after the detailed planning period is determined taking into account expected long-term growth and long-term inflation expectations.

Significant measurement assumptions

In the Life Science CGU, the expected average sales growth in the period until the transition to the terminal value was a higher single-digit percentage (2022: higher single-digit percentage). The sales expectation for the Life Science CGU is supported primarily by the anticipated long-term positive development in the Process Solutions and Life Science Services business units, based on ongoing high market growth and the continuing expansion of the portfolio and production capacities. Taking into account Group costs allocated on a pro rata basis, the EBITDA pre margin applied in the period until the transition to the terminal value was around 31% (2022: around 34%).

The expected average sales growth in the Healthcare CGU in connection with the calculation of fair value less costs of disposal amounted to a mid-single-digit percentage rate in the detailed planning period (2022: mid-single-digit percentage rate). The sales performance reflected the probability of regulatory approval of drug candidates in the existing research and development programs. Taking into account Group costs allocated on a pro rata basis, the EBITDA pre margin for fair value less costs of disposal applied in the period until the transition to the terminal value in the impairment test for fiscal 2023 was around 30%.

The calculation of the recoverable amount of the Electronics CGU included the expected average sales growth in the period until the transition to the terminal value at a higher single-digit percentage (2022: higher single-digit percentage). The sales expectation for the Electronics CGU is primarily based on the long-term growth trend in the market for semiconductor materials and positive sales contributions from the Level Up growth program with an initial investment volume exceeding € 3 billion by the end of 2025. Taking into account Group costs allocated on a pro rata basis, the EBITDA pre margin applied in the period until the transition to the terminal value in the impairment test for fiscal 2023 was around 29% (2022: around 30%).

The additional significant value-relevant assumptions underlying the goodwill impairment tests are quantified below.



Long-term growth rate


Weighted cost of capital after tax

in %









Life Science




























The weighted cost of capital before taxes to determine the value in use of the CGU Healthcare for the previous year was 7.3%.

Net cash flows were discounted using the cost of capital after taxes. For the calculation of the value in use, which was applied in the Healthcare business sector in the previous year, the cost of capital before taxes as shown below the table was derived iteratively.

Significant discretionary decisions and sources of estimation uncertainty

The determination of the recoverable amount is subject to discretion and significant estimation uncertainty. Assumptions regarding the amount of net cash flows, long-term growth rates, and discount factors are considered a material source of estimation uncertainty due to their inherent uncertainty. Although the Group assumes that the assumptions applied in calculating the recoverable amount are appropriate, changes to these assumptions could result in goodwill impairment with an adverse impact on the net assets, financial position, and results of operations. In the Electronics CGU in particular, there is a high degree of dependence on the assumptions concerning the long-term growth trend in the market for semiconductor materials.

As in the previous year, the recoverable amount in impairment testing in fiscal 2023 was well above the carrying amount of the respective CGU – more than 15% higher, in fact. Regardless of this, the results of the valuation were checked for plausibility against externally available “sum of the parts” calculations and validated using multiples based on peer group information.

In addition, sensitivity analyses of the key assumptions were performed as part of the scheduled impairment tests. The following table presents the minimum amount by which individual key assumptions could have changed when viewed in isolation before the impairment test triggered the recognition of an impairment loss.



Decrease in net cash flows


Decrease in long-term growth rate


Increase in cost of capital after tax





percentage points


percentage points














Life Science







































The goodwill shown below mainly resulted from the following acquisitions: Exelead Inc., United States; Versum Materials Inc., United States; Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, United States; AZ Electronic Materials S.A., Luxembourg; Millipore Corporation, United States; and Serono SA, Switzerland.




€ million


Life Science







Net carrying amounts, Jan. 1, 20221









Other additions








Disposals due to divestments/Reclassification to
assets held for sale










Impairment losses





Currency translation difference








Net carrying amounts as of Dec. 31, 20221,2


















Net carrying amounts, Jan. 1, 20231














Disposals due to divestments/Reclassification to
assets held for sale










Impairment losses





Currency translation difference








Net carrying amounts as of Dec. 31, 20231










Net carrying amounts equal the gross amount.


Previous year has been adjusted, please refer to Note (6) “Acquisitions and Divestments”.

The changes in goodwill caused by foreign exchange rates resulted almost exclusively from translating the goodwill from the acquisitions of Versum Materials, Inc., United States; the Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, United States; AZ Electronic Materials S.A., Luxembourg; and the Millipore Corporation, United States, which were mostly denominated in U.S. dollars.

Goodwill impairment testing did not give rise to the need to recognize any impairment losses in either fiscal 2022 or fiscal 2023.

The additions in fiscal 2022 resulted in particular from the acquisition of Exelead Inc., United States (see Note (6) “Acquisitions and divestments”).

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