Other reports

Capital Structure, Investments, and Financing Activities

(35) Cash and cash equivalents

Accounting and measurement policies
Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise short-term investments with a maximum maturity of up to three months, which can be readily converted to a determined amount of cash.

Cash and cash equivalents comprised the following items:

€ million


Dec. 31, 2023


Dec. 31, 2022

Cash, bank balances and cheques





Short-term cash investments (up to 3 months)





Cash and cash equivalents





Changes in cash and cash equivalents as defined by IAS 7 are presented in the consolidated cash flow statement.

Cash and cash equivalents included restricted cash amounting to € 404 million (December 31, 2022: € 456 million). This mainly related to cash and cash equivalents at subsidiaries that are subject to capital controls.

The maximum default risk was equivalent to the carrying amount of cash and cash equivalents.

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