Other reports

Group Structure

(5) Scope of Consolidation

Accounting and measurement policies
Scope of Consolidation

Subsidiaries that are immaterial to the assessment of the net assets, financial position, and results of operations of the Group are not included in consolidation but are instead reported in non-current financial assets (see Note (36) “Other financial assets”).

The scope of consolidation changed as follows in the reporting period:

Fully consolidated companies as of Dec. 31, 20221







Companies established





















Loss of control


Fully consolidated companies as of Dec. 31, 2023





Companies rated at-equity as of Dec. 31, 2022





Companies rated at-equity as of Dec. 31, 2023





Non-consolidated subsidiaries as of Dec. 31, 2022





Non-consolidated subsidiaries as of Dec. 31, 2023






Previous year has been adjusted for better comparability with note (48) “List of shareholdings”.

The list of non-consolidated subsidiaries mainly comprises non-operating shelf companies as well as entities subject to liquidation procedures, which were subsequently measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.

Overall, the impact of subsidiaries not consolidated due to immateriality on net sales, profit after tax, assets, and equity was less than 1% relative to the entire Group. The two companies accounted for using the equity method are Syntropy Technologies LLC, United States, and MM Domain Holdco Limited, United Kingdom. There is also one (2022: two) joint operation within the meaning of IFRS 11 (Resonac Versum Materials Co. LTD, Japan, formerly: Showa Denko Versum Materials 2 Co., Ltd., Japan). This joint operation is immaterial to the presentation of the net assets, financial position, and results of operations. The effects of the existing contractual arrangements also have no potentially significant effect in these contexts.

The list of shareholdings presents all of the companies included in the consolidated financial statements as well as all of the shareholdings of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany (see Note (48) “List of shareholdings”).

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